Please join us for our annual Family Tea Light Ceremony

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Family Tea Light Ceremony

November 21, 2018 from 6:00 PM

We will close the door at 6:15 PM to prevent disruption during the meditation and then reopen them at 6:30 PM.  Light refreshments will be served afterwards and everyone is invited to bring an appetizer to share.  For for the safety of our dojo community, please make sure to label your dish with any allergens.

The purpose of the Tea Light Ceremony it to help us remind ourselves of the many blessing we have and enjoy in today’s lifestyles. Through this practice of meditation, each participant will be asked to do nothing but sit and breathe and reflect on the blessing that have come to them. After the meditation is over, we share our thoughts and recount our blessing with each other to start the true spirit of the Holiday Season which is to be thankful for what we have, share what we have and give to others that do not have.

Dewey’s Martial Arts Academy aims to connect its students and affiliates to the origins of traditional Martial Arts and to enter into bushido. This goal is achieved by the integration of Zen meditation into every student’s practice. The practice of meditation has no religious overtones or content. However, it is an essential counterpart to hard physical training. Today, the bushido spirit remains applicable to each individual’s development. Karate training seeks to develop a “non-quitting” or “bushido” spirit in each student. No matter what the obstacle or difficulty – emotional, physical, or financial – we want students to feel that they can overcome it. The sincere practice of karate can impress this idea into the spirit. This is the modern interpretation of the bushido spirit of the samurai. With these goals in place, we hope you and your family will join us at this year’s Tea Light Ceremony.

Author: dmaawebmaster